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Jujutsu Kaisen is an anime television series based on the manga series of the same name by Gege Akutami. The series adaptation was announced in the 52nd issue of Weekly ShΕnen Jump published, a second season announced. ShΕta Goshozono replaced Sunghoo Park as series director, with Sayaka Koiso and Tadashi Hiramatsu designing the characters and Yoshimasa Terui returning as the sole composer. Aired It ran for two continuous cours and adapt the manga's "Hidden Inventory / Premature Death" and "Shibuya Incident" story arcs. "Hidden Inventory" acts as a prequel to Jujutsu Kaisen 0 and the first season. It focuses on Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto during their time as students at Jujutsu High, and how they became enemies. "Shibuya Incident" takes place in the present as the Sorcerers and Curses engage in an all-out war in Shibuya on Halloween. For the second season (covering the "Hidden Inventory / Premature Death" arc), Tatsuya Kitani performed the opening theme "Where Our Blue Is" ( Ao no Sumika), while Soushi Sakiyama performed the ending theme "Light" (Akari). Onwards (covering the "Shibuya Incident" arc), King Gnu performed the opening theme "Specialz", while Hitsujibungaku performed the ending theme "More Than Words". The season is licensed outside of Asia, streaming an English dub, Dou watch and enjoy.