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I live (like) a Billionaire without Billions of Dollars maybe (Yup)... Winner right! there "(View)" - Music cruising, knowing (me) "Forget, them is (My Anthem)" Talking, Knowing, Is, (how) I think? like a billionaire? "Forget" their music (Industry) like they can, get in my Body, or go into my Mind? ( There Nerds) know, how I Think?.

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Heroes started appearing when the Quirk phenomenon occurred and the general populace acquired superpowers the dawn of this extraordinary era was plagued by a breakdown of society caused by the sudden onslaught of criminals empowered by their newfound abilities and ordinary people being prejudiced against the Quirk users society adapted to the new status quo, the police force moved to prioritize leadership and to maintain the status quo, and as such, decided not to use Quirks as weapons chaos and unrest ensued due to the outbreak of Quirks, ordinary civilians with their own Quirks decided to take matters into their own hands to bring order to society, and thus the first "Heroes" appeared original Heroes this time of chaos were Vigilantes, as the Pro Hero system had not yet been implemented, beginning the time period known as the Vigilantly era, the profession of crime-fighting Quirk users separate from the police and military, Pro Heroes, began to exist Pro Hero System was first put into place in Rhode Island in America under the "Rhode Island New State Statute". 189 Vigilantes were affected by this statute, with only seven being accepted as official Heroes and the opportunity to become licensed Heroes and use their Quirks to fight crime legally, the number of unlicensed Vigilantes slowly began to decrease, with almost none left today's authorization of the use of powers that could so quickly kill was greatly criticized at first, it came to garner public support due to the fact that the first people to work professionally as heroes acted morally and upheld the law heroes have three primary duties rescue, evacuation, and battle Hero Agencies choose to specialize in only one of these fields, primarily rescue or battle. However, some Agencies do all three, when a crisis occurs, the police will contact various Hero Agencies that are in the same area as the crisis the chaos is settled, the Heroes will file a report about the work they did, saving people, capturing criminals, etc, and a special agency will review their work and determine how much they should be paid out on patrol, the agency's owner Hero will lead the patrol themselves they will go out on their own, they will have a sidekick or two with them for backup these patrols are meant to dissuade Villains from committing crimes and to show civilians that the Heroes are there to protect them, Dou watch and enjoy.

⭐ SkyyyGoldBlue Guide: and all @rickykillaz formats: "ricky"

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