(SkyyyGoldBlue) (-) (VideMode) (-) (ViewGoldBlue)

I live (like) a Billionaire without Billions of Dollars maybe (Yup)... Winner right! there "(View)" - Music cruising, knowing (me) "Forget, them is (My Anthem)" Talking, Knowing, Is, (how) I think? like a billionaire? "Forget" their music (Industry) like they can, get in my Body, or go into my Mind? ( There Nerds) know, how I Think?.

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@rickykillaz - Audio check it out now! πŸ«…

⭐ Even though "he" won, even though he won, grow with us!


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It, Is to uplift, your Thoughts, and It is to make Your, Dream, stronger.

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As a result of the depletion of fossil fuels, humanity had to search for a new source of power. The power was found in the form of multiple Dyson rings orbiting Earth, and supported by three orbital elevators, each one serving one of the three "power blocs" on the planet, namely the Union, controlling the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan; the Human Reform League, controlling nearly all of mainland Asia besides the Middle East along with most of Oceania; and the AEU (Advanced European Union), which controls mainland Europe as well as many islands in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. With this nearly inexhaustible source of energy benefiting only the major powers and their allies, constant warfare erupts around the globe among minor countries for fuels and energy. Countries that once economically relied on the sale of fossil fuels have plunged into poverty. Some even believe that solar energy threatened the "promised land of God", resulting in the 20-year Solar Wars. This chaos led to the formation of a private military organization, called Celestial Being, dedicated to eradicating war and uniting humanity through the use of four advanced machines called Gundams. Mobile Suit Gundam 00 follows four mobile suit pilots termed Gundam Meisters, sided with Celestial Being. The main protagonist is 16-year-old Setsuna F. Seiei, a taciturn Gundam pilot who grew up in the war-torn Middle Eastern Republic of Krugis, Dou watch and enjoy.

⭐ SkyyyGoldBlue Guide: and all @rickykillaz formats: "ricky"

On any of my formats/internet pot/websites/web information @rickykillaz, when, on my formats, @rickykillaz wants you to do this, if "someone" says push/press a video/post, "you", press/push always @rickykillaz "recommended" #1 "option" you push/press the post/video you want, always on (SkyyyGoldBlue/ViewGoldBlue) information @rickykillaz information.

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